Email: wlin_23@163.com
QQ: 58728639
(3) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目,JYT2020045,深度学习在复杂曲面结构光三维形貌测量中的研究及应用,2020/6-2022/5,在研,主持。
(9) 北京信息科技大学委托项目,xy2015049,五轴联动3D打印机自动编程软件定制,2015/7-2015/12,已结题,参加。
(10) 中航复合材料有限责任公司,xy2015048, 机身曲面壁板铺放轨迹优化分析及仿真,2015/3-2016/5,已结题,参加。
(11) 沈阳飞机设计研究所 ,xy2016021,全机疲劳试验活动舵面控制台——控制显示部分,2014/10-2015/10,已结题,参加。
(12) 北京航空制造工程研究所,xy201461,国产T700级碳纤维渗透特性研究及软件开发, 2013/7-2014/7,已结题,参加。
(13) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61177007,动态电子散斑干涉相位提取的高性能方法研究及应用,2012/1-2015/12,已结题,参加。
(14) 总装备部预先研究项目,****001,数字化*******及*******技术研究(涉密),2011/5-2015/6,已结题,参加。
(1) Linlin Wang,Wenjie Liang, Wenke Xue, et al. Depth_ASPP_UNet++ a novel 2D ESPI phase unwrapping based on convolutional neural network, Meas. Sci. Technol. 2024,35, 065202.(SCI, IF=2.4)
(2) Linlin Wang, Wenke Xue, Chuanyun Wang, et al. Depth estimation from a single-shot fringe pattern based on DD-Inceptionv2-UNet, Appl. Opt., 2023,62(34),9144-9155.(SCI, IF=1.9)
(3) Linlin Wang, Yun Li, Feng Tian, Xiaoyu Fang, Application of Atention-DnCNN for ESPI fringe patterns denoising, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2022,39(11):2110-2123.(SCI, IF=2.129)
(4) Wang Linlin , Tang Chen , Ma YuHuia, Li XiYuan, Thermal deformation measurement of Al2O3 ceramic substrate based on radial basis function, Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2019. (EI)
(5) 王琳霖等, 用于核级石墨断裂分析的位相测量技术研究, 激光与光电子学进展, 2018, 55(03).
(6) Qiuling Zhou,Chen Tang*, Biyuan Li, Linlin Wang, Adaptive oriented PDEs filtering methods based on new controlling speedfunction for discontinuous optical fringe patterns, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018.2, 100: 111-117. (SCI, IF=2.948)
(7) 王琳霖等, 差分格式对偏微分方程滤波模型的影响,激光与光电子学进展,2015,52:091004-1-6.
(8) 王琳霖,唐晨,基于径向基函数的ESPI滤波方法, 光学学报, 2014,34: s210006-1-7. (EI,一级学报).
(9) Linlin Wang, Chen Tang, The Sub-pixel Searching Algorithm based on Gradient in Digital Speckle Correlation Method, International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer, 2013/12/20-22, China.(EI)
(10) Linlin Wang, Yajie Wang, Image Inpainting Based on Radial Basis Function, International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, 2011/12/24-26. (EI)
(11) Xinjun Zhu, Chen Tang, Biyua Li,Chen Sun, Linlin Wang, Phase retrieval from single frame projection fringe pattern with variational image decomposition, Opt. Lasers Eng., 2014,59: 25-33.(SCI, IF=2.948)
(12) Chen Tang, Linlin Wang, Comparison on performance of some representative and recent filtering methods in electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Opt. Lasers Eng., 2012,50:1036-1051.(SCI, IF=2.948)
(13) Chen Tang, Linlin Wang, Overview of anisotropic filtering methods based on partial differential equations for electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Appl. Opt., 2012,51: 1-10. (SCI, IF=1.9)
(14) Chen Tang,Linlin wang,Displacement field analysis based on the combination digital speckle correlation method with radial basis function interpolation,Appl. Opt.,2010,49(2):4545-4553。(SCI, IF=1.9)
(15) Cancan Li, Chen Tang, Haiqing Yan, Linlin Wang, Localized Fourier transform filter for noise removal in electronic speckle pattern interferometry wrapped phase patterns, Appl. Opt. 2011,50: 4903-4911. (SCI, IF=1.9)
(16) Liyan Cheng, Chen Tang, Si Yan, Xia Chen, Linlin Wang, New fourth-order partial differential equations for filtering in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes, Opt. Comm. 2011, 284: 5549-5555. (SCI, IF=1.82)
(17) Chen Tang,Tao Gao,Si Yan,Linlin Wang,The oriented spatial filter masks for electronic speckle pattern interferometry phase patterns,Opt. Express,2010,18(9):8942-8947。(SCI, IF=2.70)
(18) Chen Tang,Zhifang Wang,Linlin Wang,Estimation of fringe orientation for optical fringe patterns with poor quality based on Fourier Transform,Appl. Opt.,2010,49(1):554-561.(SCI, IF=1.9)
(19) Chen Tang,Hongwei Ren,Linlin Wang,Oriented couple gradient vector fields for skeletonization of gray-scale optical fringe patterns with high density,Apt.Opt.,2010,49(16):2979-2984.s(SCI,IF=1.9)
(20) Xiaoyu Fang, Linlin Wang*. An improved Method of Image Recognition with Deep Learning combined with Attention Mechanism, ICIVC 2022:593-598. (EI)
(21) Linlin Wang, Xiaoyu Fang,Tao Hong,Chang Liu, Shilan Liu, Image Recognition Based on the Depth-Wise Separable Convolution and Softpool, PRAI 2022: 147-152.(EI)
(22) Linlin Wang, Xiaoyu Fang, Tong Zhang, Wenjie Liang,Chang LiuA metal surface defect detection method based on attention mechanism and softpool, icOPEN 2022: 125501F-1-7. (EI)
(1) 一种基于方向一致性的不连续条纹图的滤波方法,专利号:ZL201710159178.4
(2) 一种水平井双井径测井仪信号采集电路,专利号:ZL201210473307.4