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吕振华,男,讲师,美国《数学评论》评论员。20196月毕业于湖南大学数学专业,获博士学位,同年7月到沈阳航空航天大学理学院任教。2018.1-2019.1在美国奥本大学进行博士联合培养。主持国家留学基金委留学基金、校博士启动基金各一项,以骨干身份参与国家自然科学基金一项。主要从事极值图论、组合矩阵理论的研究,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在《Discrete Mathematics》、《Linear Algebra and its Application》、《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》、《Graphs and Combinatorics》等期刊发表文章10余篇。多次参加国内外学术会议并作分组报告。


1. Z. Huang, Z. Lyu*, Extremal digraphs avoiding distinct walks of length 3 with the same endpoints, Submit.

2. Z. Lyu, A note on extremal digraphs containing at most t walks of length k with the same endpoints, Submit.

3. Z. Lyu, Extremal digraphs avoiding distinct walks of length 4 with the same endpoints, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, doi:10.7151/dmgt.2321.

4. Z. Lyu, Extremal Digraphs Avoiding an Orientation of the Diamond, Graphs Combin. 37 (2021) 1373-1383.

5. Z. Lyu, Digraphs that contain atmost t distinct walks of a given length with the same endpoints, J. Comb. Optim. 41 (2021) 762-779.

6. Z. Lyu, 0-1 matrices whose squares have bounded entries, Linear Algebra Appl. 607 (2020) 1-8.

7. Z. Huang, Z. Lyu*, 0-1 matrices whose k-th powers have bounded entries, Linear Multilinear Algebra 68 (2020) 1972-1982.

8. Z. Huang, Z. Lyu, Extremal digraphs avoiding an orientation of C4, Discrete Math. 343(2020) 111827.(共同一作)

9. Z. Huang, Z. Lyu*, 0-1 matrices with zero trace whose squares are 0-1 matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 565 (2019) 156-176.

10. Z. Huang, Z. Lyu, P. Qiao, A Turan problem on digraphs avoiding distinct walks of a given length with the same endpoints, Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 1703-1717.