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1. Wang Baichen*; Dou Shuo; Gao Yu; Li Wei; Structure and electrically conductive properties of porous PAN-based nanocomposites prepared by Pickering emulsion template method, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/app.49017.

2. Wang Baichen*; Dou Shuo; Li Wei; Gao Yu; Multifunctional reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes/epoxy resin nanocomposites based on carbon nanohybrid preform, Soft Materials, 2020, 18: 89-100.

3. Wang Baichen*; Zhu Yanfei; Li Junjie; Li Wei; Gao Yu; Electrically conductive and elastoplastic carbon nanohybrid preform reinforced by physical crosslinking, Soft Materials, 2019, 17:359-367.

4. Wang Baichen*; Liu Yongna; Li Wei; Gao Yu; Novel Pickering stabilizer constituted by graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes for fabricating poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2018, 58: 1975-1980.

5. Wang Baichen*; Liu Yongna; Gao Yu, Comparison of two different carbon nanotubes-based hybrid multiscale composites with respect to mechanical and electrical properties, Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 2017, 46: 231-237.

6. Wang Baichen*; Li Junjie; Liu Yongna; Gao Yu; Reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes nanohybrids as preformed reinforcement for polystyrene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134: 45054.

7. Wang Baichen*; Li Junjie; Gao Yu; Enhancing hygrothermal resistance of aeronautical carbon fabric/epoxy composites via air plasma processing, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2017, 31: 487-501.

8. Wang Baichen*; Zhou Gaofei; Wang Li; Gao Yu; Preparation and properties of hierarchical composites based on carbon nanotube contained glass fabric preform, Polymer Composites, 2016, 37: 979-986.

9. Wang Baichen*; Gao Y.; Matrix formulation and interfacial enhancement of an aeronautical carbon fabric/epoxy composites fabricated via resin transfer molding (RTM) technique, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2016, 30: 75-88.

10. Wang Baichen*; Yin Junshan.; Wang Li; Gao Yu; Influences of surfactant modification on structure and properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) hybrid multiscale composites, Macromolecular Materials and. Engineering, 2014, 299: 344-352.

11. Wang Baichen*; Yin Junshan; Wang Li; Structure and properties of aeronautical composites using carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/epoxy dispersion as nanocomposite matrix, Polymer Composites, 2013, 34: 1690-1697.

12. Wang Baichen*; Zhou Xia; Yin Junshan; Wang Li; Investigation on some matrix-dominated properties of hybrid multiscale composites based on carbon fiber/carbon nanotube modified epoxy, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128: 990-996.

13. Wang Baichen*; Zhou Xia; Yin Junshan; Wang Li; Experimental assessment on potential for processiblity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/epoxy system used as nanocomposites, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2013, 53: 474-481.

14. Wang Baichen*; Zhou Xia; Ma Keming; Fabrication and properties of CNTs/carbon fabric hybrid multiscale composites processed via resin transfer molding technique, Composites Part B, 2013, 46: 123-129.


1. 辽宁省科学技术厅,辽宁省自然科学基金项目,2019-ZD-0221Pickering乳液模板法成型多孔混杂复合材料性能研究,2019-102021-095万元,在研,主持

2. 工业和信息化部,民机专项(XXXX研究)子课题,XXXX,典型工字梁复合材料结构高质量成型工艺和复合材料结构轻型飞机制造工艺体系研究,2014-012015-0680万元,已结题,主持

3. 中国航空工业集团公司,航空科学基金项目,2010ZFXXXXX,树脂传递模塑碳纳米管混杂多尺度复合材料的结构和性能研究,2010-102012-0910万元,已结题,主持

4. 辽宁省教育厅,辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划,2008RC39RTM成型碳纳米管改性环氧树脂/碳纤维复合材料工艺及性能研究,2009-012011-1220万元,已结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,50703024,树脂传递模塑碳/环氧复合材料非平衡浸润过程及界面性能调控,2008-012010-1220万元,已结题,主持

6. 辽宁省教育厅,高等学校创新团队项目,2006T109,变截面复杂曲率形状复合材料RTM成型工艺技术研究,2007-012009-1215万元,已结题,主持


1. 王柏臣;李俊杰;刘永娜;高禹;李伟;马克明;一种碳纳米管-氧化石墨烯混杂增强复合材料的制备方法,2018-07-27,中国,ZL 201610566145.7.

2. 王柏臣;刘永娜;李俊杰;高禹;李伟;马克明;碳纳米管-氧化石墨烯增强聚合物基复合材料的制备方法,2017-11-10,中国,ZL 201610570920.6.

3. 王柏臣;刘永娜;李俊杰;高禹;李伟;马克明;一种碳纳米管-氧化石墨烯三维混杂材料的制备方法,2017-11-07,中国,ZL 201610569907.9.

4. 王柏臣;尹君山;王莉;周高飞;李伟;马克明;一种高精度的连续纤维增强复合材料的制造方法,2017-11-07,中国,ZL 201410523505.6.

5. 王柏臣;蔡安宁;周高飞;王莉;李伟;马克明;一种连续纤维增强混杂多尺度复合材料的制备方法,2017-08-01,中国,ZL 201410710794.0.

6. 王柏臣;尹君山;王莉;周高飞;李伟;马克明;一种碳纳米管/连续纤维混杂增强复合材料的制备方法,2016-07-06,中国,ZL 201410539456.5.

7. 王柏臣;周霞;马克明;卢少微;李伟;于祺;陈平;一种纳米复合的混杂多尺度复合材料的制备方法,2012-08-01,中国,ZL 201010237475.4.

8. 王柏臣;马克明;陈平;金保宏;于祺;一种纳米复合纤维预制体的制备方法,2011-08-10,中国,ZL 200810011622.9.

9. 王柏臣;马克明;陈平;金保宏;于祺;一种碳纳米管/碳纤维多尺度混杂复合材料的制备方法,2010-06-02,中国,ZL 200810011621.4.