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武保林,男,19637月生,博士,教授,博士生导师;校材料学科创始人、带头人。中国航空学会材料工程分委会委员,辽宁省航空宇航学会学术委员会委员,中国体视学会金相显微分析分会理事,国家科技奖励评审专家,国家自然科学基金同行评议人,航空材料研究学报、材料工程、Materials Science and Engineering AMaterials Characterization 等国内国际学术期刊审稿人。


具有丰富的X-射线背反射法ODFOrientation Distribution Function)测试分析、EBSD微取向和TEM微结构分析的经验和理论基础。主持完成3项国家自然科学基金面上项目以及航空基础科学基金、辽宁省自然科学基金、辽宁省教育厅科技攻关计划、国防攻关试点项目及航空预研子项目等纵向课题20余项;在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文一百二十余篇,其中被SCI收录近60篇,EI收录20余篇;申请国家发明专利12项,实用新型专利3项,授权12项;参与的科研工作曾获教育部科技进步二等奖、工信部科技进步三等奖、航空工业总公司科技进步三等奖各一项。从20056月和20117月起,分别被南京航空航天大学、大连理工大学聘为兼职博士生导师;200812月至200911月为法国Metz大学LETAM(现LEM3)国家中央实验室高级访问学者、客座教授;20108月至20109月、20118月至9月法国Metz大学LEM3国家中央实验室客座教授。



2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高固溶度Mg-RE二元合金塑性变形机制研究(51171120),2012.01-2015.12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,织构对变形镁合金快速冲击变形与断裂的作用及机理(50771067),2008.01-2010.12;

4. 国防科工委试点攻关项目,钛合金大型框锻件的模拟研究(xy710, 2008.07-2009.10


1. 中央军委创新前沿项目:XXXXXXXX合金研究与开发, 2019.10-2022.10


1. B. L. Wu, L. Zuo, Z. D. Liang, C. Esling, M. Lecomte, The development of recrystallization texture in copper heated by laser beam, Scripta Mater.40 (1999)4-9; (SCI)

2. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), Y. H. Zhao, X. H. Du, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Ductility Enhancement of Extruded Magnesium via Yttrium Addition, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527(2010), 4334-4340;(SCI)

3. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Wan, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, Twinning Characteristics in Textured AZ31 Alloy under Impact Loading along Specified Direction, Matrials Letters, 64(2010),636-639; (SCI)

4. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Wan, Y. D. Zhang, X. H. Du, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Fragmentation of Large Grains in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy during ECAE via Route A, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527(2010), 3365-3372; (SCI)

5. G. Wan, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), G. Y. Sha, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, Anisotropy of Dynamic Behavior of hot extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010), 2915-2924; (SCI)

6. X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), The anisotropy of superplastic deformation for FSPed Mg alloy due to the existence of onion rings, International Journal of Materials Research(Zeitchrift Fur Metallkunde), 99(2) (2008), 203-207; (SCI)

7. G. Wan, B. L. Wu 导师作者, Y. H. Zhao, Y.D. Zhang, C. EslingStrain-rate sensitivity of textured Mg3.0Al1.0Zn alloy (AZ31) under impact deformation, Scripta Materialia, 65 (2011), 461~464; (SCI)

8. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), Y. D. Zhang, G. Wan, M. Humbert, F. Wagner, C. Esling. Primary twinning selection with respect to orientation of deformed grains in ultra-rapidly compressed AZ31 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 541 (2012), 120127(SCI)

9. C. J. Geng, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), X. H. Du, Y. D. Wang, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Stress-strain response of textured AZ31B magnesium alloy under uniaxial tension at the different strain rates, Materials Science and Engineering A, 559(1) (2013), 307-313(SCI)

10. C. J. Geng , B. L. Wu(通讯作者), X. H. Du, Y. D. Wang, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Low cycle fatigue behavior of the textured AZ31B magnesium alloy under the asymmetrical loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, 560 (2013), 618-626(SCI)

11. X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization of Extruded NiAl Polycrystals during the Superplastic Deformation Process, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 36 (2005), 3343-3351; (SCI)

12. Chen Cai, Song LingHui, Du XingHao, Wu BaoLin (通讯作者), Enhanced mechanical property of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by multi-directional forging method, Materials Characterization, 131 (2017) 72–77; (SCI)

13. B. L. Wu (通讯作者)Y. D. Zhang, L. Zuo, C. Esling, The Influence of Texture and GBCD on Stress Corrosion and Intergranular Corrosion in 2024 Aluminum Alloy, Solid State Phenomena105 (2005),182-186; (SCI)

14. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Y. Sha, Y. D. Zhang, and C. Esling, Grain refinement of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy through combination of microalloying and common thermo-mechanical treatment and its superplasticity, Materials Science Forum, 546-549 (2007), 917-922; (SCI)

15. Linghui Songa, Baolin Wu(通讯作者), Li Zhang, Xinghao Du,Yinong Wang, Claude Esling, Marie-Jeanne Philippe, Detwinning-related Bauschinger effect of an extruded magnesium alloy AZ31B, Materials Characterization, 148(2019), 63-70

16. C. J. Geng, X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), Y. D. Wang1, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Comparition of LCF behavior between two AZ31B alloys with different microstructure and textureRecrystallization and texture under aymmetrical strain loading, International Journal of Materials research, 10410(2013)966-973; (SCI)

17. B. L. Wu (通讯作者)G. Wan, X. H. Du, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, The quasi-static mechanical properties of extruded binary Mg-Er alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 573 (2013)205-214. (SCI)

18. Linghui Song , Baolin Wu (通讯作者), Li Zhangb , Xinghao Du , Yinong Wanga , Claude EslingTwinning characterization of fiber-textured AZ31B magnesium alloy during tensile deformationMaterials Science & Engineering A, 710 (2018) 57–65(SCI)

19. X.H. Du, G.S. Duan, M. Hong, D.P. Wang, B.L. Wu (通讯作者), Y.D. Zhang, C. Esling Effect of V on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–10Er–2Cu alloy with a long period stacking ordered structureMaterials Letters, 122 (2014) 312–314 (SCI)

20.G. S. Duan, B.L. Wu(通讯作者), X.H. Du, X. Zhao, Y.D. Zhang, L. Zuo, C. Esling The cyclic frequency sensitivity of low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of the AZ31B magnesium alloyMaterials Science and Engineering A, 603, (2014),11-22.SCI

20. B.L. Wu (通讯作者), G.S. Duan, X.H. Du, L.H. Song, Y.D. Zhang, M.J. Philippe, C. Esling, In situ investigation of extension twinning-detwinning and its effect on the mechanical behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy, Materials and Design, 132 (2017) 5765; (SCI)