武保林,男,1963年7月生,博士,教授,博士生导师;校材料学科创始人、带头人。中国航空学会材料工程分委会委员,辽宁省航空宇航学会学术委员会委员,中国体视学会金相显微分析分会理事,国家科技奖励评审专家,国家自然科学基金同行评议人,航空材料研究学报、材料工程、Materials Science and Engineering A、Materials Characterization 等国内国际学术期刊审稿人。
具有丰富的X-射线背反射法ODF(Orientation Distribution Function)测试分析、EBSD微取向和TEM微结构分析的经验和理论基础。主持完成3项国家自然科学基金面上项目以及航空基础科学基金、辽宁省自然科学基金、辽宁省教育厅科技攻关计划、国防攻关试点项目及航空预研子项目等纵向课题20余项;在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文一百二十余篇,其中被SCI收录近60篇,EI收录20余篇;申请国家发明专利12项,实用新型专利3项,授权12项;参与的科研工作曾获教育部科技进步二等奖、工信部科技进步三等奖、航空工业总公司科技进步三等奖各一项。从2005年6月和2011年7月起,分别被南京航空航天大学、大连理工大学聘为兼职博士生导师;2008年12月至2009年11月为法国Metz大学LETAM(现LEM3)国家中央实验室高级访问学者、客座教授;2010年8月至2010年9月、2011年8月至9月法国Metz大学LEM3国家中央实验室客座教授。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高固溶度Mg-RE二元合金塑性变形机制研究(51171120),2012.01-2015.12;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,织构对变形镁合金快速冲击变形与断裂的作用及机理(50771067),2008.01-2010.12;
4. 国防科工委试点攻关项目,钛合金大型框锻件的模拟研究(xy710), 2008.07-2009.10
1. 中央军委创新前沿项目:XXXXXXXX合金研究与开发, 2019.10-2022.10。
1. B. L. Wu, L. Zuo, Z. D. Liang, C. Esling, M. Lecomte, The development of recrystallization texture in copper heated by laser beam, Scripta Mater.40 (1999)4-9; (SCI)
2. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), Y. H. Zhao, X. H. Du, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Ductility Enhancement of Extruded Magnesium via Yttrium Addition, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527(2010), 4334-4340;(SCI)
3. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Wan, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, Twinning Characteristics in Textured AZ31 Alloy under Impact Loading along Specified Direction, Matrials Letters, 64(2010),636-639; (SCI)
4. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Wan, Y. D. Zhang, X. H. Du, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Fragmentation of Large Grains in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy during ECAE via Route A, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527(2010), 3365-3372; (SCI)
5. G. Wan, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), G. Y. Sha, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, Anisotropy of Dynamic Behavior of hot extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010), 2915-2924; (SCI)
6. X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), The anisotropy of superplastic deformation for FSPed Mg alloy due to the existence of onion rings, International Journal of Materials Research(Zeitchrift Fur Metallkunde), 99(2) (2008), 203-207; (SCI)
7. G. Wan, B. L. Wu (导师作者), Y. H. Zhao, Y.D. Zhang, C. Esling,Strain-rate sensitivity of textured Mg–3.0Al–1.0Zn alloy (AZ31) under impact deformation, Scripta Materialia, 65 (2011), 461~464; (SCI)
8. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), Y. D. Zhang, G. Wan, M. Humbert, F. Wagner, C. Esling. Primary twinning selection with respect to orientation of deformed grains in ultra-rapidly compressed AZ31 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 541 (2012), 120–127;(SCI)
9. C. J. Geng, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), X. H. Du, Y. D. Wang, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Stress-strain response of textured AZ31B magnesium alloy under uniaxial tension at the different strain rates, Materials Science and Engineering A, 559(1) (2013), 307-313;(SCI)
10. C. J. Geng , B. L. Wu(通讯作者), X. H. Du, Y. D. Wang, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Low cycle fatigue behavior of the textured AZ31B magnesium alloy under the asymmetrical loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, 560 (2013), 618-626;(SCI)
11. X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization of Extruded NiAl Polycrystals during the Superplastic Deformation Process, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 36 (2005), 3343-3351; (SCI)
12. Chen Cai, Song LingHui, Du XingHao, Wu BaoLin (通讯作者), Enhanced mechanical property of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by multi-directional forging method, Materials Characterization, 131 (2017) 72–77; (SCI)
13. B. L. Wu (通讯作者),Y. D. Zhang, L. Zuo, C. Esling, The Influence of Texture and GBCD on Stress Corrosion and Intergranular Corrosion in 2024 Aluminum Alloy, Solid State Phenomena,105 (2005),182-186; (SCI)
14. B. L. Wu (通讯作者), G. Y. Sha, Y. D. Zhang, and C. Esling, Grain refinement of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy through combination of microalloying and common thermo-mechanical treatment and its superplasticity, Materials Science Forum, 546-549 (2007), 917-922; (SCI)
15. Linghui Songa, Baolin Wu(通讯作者), Li Zhang, Xinghao Du,Yinong Wang, Claude Esling, Marie-Jeanne Philippe, Detwinning-related Bauschinger effect of an extruded magnesium alloy AZ31B, Materials Characterization, 148(2019), 63-70
16. C. J. Geng, X. H. Du, B. L. Wu(通讯作者), Y. D. Wang1, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, Comparition of LCF behavior between two AZ31B alloys with different microstructure and textureRecrystallization and texture under aymmetrical strain loading, International Journal of Materials research, 104(10)(2013)966-973; (SCI)
17. B. L. Wu (通讯作者),G. Wan, X. H. Du, Y. D. Zhang, F. Wagner, C. Esling, The quasi-static mechanical properties of extruded binary Mg-Er alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 573 (2013)205-214. (SCI)
18. Linghui Song , Baolin Wu (通讯作者), Li Zhangb , Xinghao Du , Yinong Wanga , Claude Esling,Twinning characterization of fiber-textured AZ31B magnesium alloy during tensile deformation,Materials Science & Engineering A, 710 (2018) 57–65;(SCI)
19. X.H. Du, G.S. Duan, M. Hong, D.P. Wang, B.L. Wu (通讯作者), Y.D. Zhang, C. Esling, Effect of V on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–10Er–2Cu alloy with a long period stacking ordered structure,Materials Letters, 122 (2014) 312–314 (SCI);
20.G. S. Duan, B.L. Wu(通讯作者), X.H. Du, X. Zhao, Y.D. Zhang, L. Zuo, C. Esling, The cyclic frequency sensitivity of low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of the AZ31B magnesium alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A, 603, (2014),11-22.(SCI)
20. B.L. Wu (通讯作者), G.S. Duan, X.H. Du, L.H. Song, Y.D. Zhang, M.J. Philippe, C. Esling, In situ investigation of extension twinning-detwinning and its effect on the mechanical behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy, Materials and Design, 132 (2017) 57–65; (SCI)