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主要研究方向为金属增材制造,侧重先进增材制造技术、拓扑优化、先进航空航天材料开发、激光增材制造/修复等方面的工作,具有金属材料性能测试、表征、建模和分析等方面的经验和研究基础,在复合材料、钛合金、高温合金和铝合金激光增材制造机理与工艺等研究。主持省自然基金课题、辽宁省教育厅等纵、横向项6项,参与国家、省部级项目10余项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术论文10余篇,在《NPG Asia Materials》、《Acta Materialia》、《Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials》、《Materials Letters》等Top刊上发表多篇论文。相关研究成果(Ti6Al4V合金点阵材料的抗疲劳设计)已受到同行专家学者的广泛认可,获第十六届钛会青年学者优秀报告奖。



(1) S. Zhao, S.J. Li, S.G. Wang, W.T. Hou, Y. Li, L.C. Zhang, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, R.D.K. Misra, L.E. Murr. Compressive and fatigue behavior of functionally graded Ti-6Al-4V meshes fabricated by electron beam melting, Acta Materialia, 150 (2018) 1-15;IF=9.4, 1

(2) Chenwei Shao, Shuo Zhao*, Xuegang Wang, Yankun Zhu, Zhefeng Zhang and Robert O. Ritchie, Architecture of high-strength aluminum-matrix composites processed by a novel microcasting technique, NPG Asia Materials, (2019) 11:69; IF=9.7, 2

(3) Chenwei Shao, Xinqiang Zhang, Shuo Zhao*, Yankun Zhu, Huajie Yang, Yanzhong Tian, Zhenjun Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xianghai An, Zhefeng Zhang, Fatigue-resistant design in low-cycle regime by regulating the micro-structural gradient in a TWIP steel: Modelling and experiment, International Journal of Plasticity, 159 (2022) 103471; IF=9.8, 1

(4) S. Zhao, S.J. Li, W.T. Hou, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, R.D.K. Misra, The influence of cell morphology on the compressive fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4V meshes fabricated by electron beam melting, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 59 (2016) 251-264;IF=3.9, 2

(5) Yue Qi, Xiaobin Zhang, Longlong Shan, Guangming Jiao, Qianwang Gao, Zhongliang Lin, Wenbin Zheng, Shuo Zhao*, Design and fabrication of isotropic high-strength Ti-6Al-4V fastener, Materials Letters, 323 (2022) 132554.IF=3, 3

(6) Guang Yang, Yilian Xie, Shuo Zhao*, Lanyun Qin, Xiangming Wang, Bin Wu, Quality Control: Internal Defects Formation Mechanism of Selective Laser Melting Based on Laser-powder-melt Pool Interaction: A Review, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 1 (2022) 100037; 综述

(7) 钦兰云, 袁溪涟, 赵朔*, 杨光, 王向明;电弧模式对Ti/Al异质合金直接增材制造界面组织与力学行为影响研究; 机械工程学报,已收录;

(8) 杨光,马一鑫,赵朔*,钦兰云,王向明; 仿生竹纤维五系铝基复合结构强-韧性调控与界面显微组织研究; 中国激光,已收录;